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Sound Healing

“Whether or not we hear it, everything has a sound, a vibration all its own,”

- Joshua Leeds in The Power of Sound.

According to the law of physics, everything vibrates – the bed you lie in, the food you ingest, the rocks, the trees. Whether you hear it or not, these subtle vibrations create sound. This sound is called resonance – the frequency at which an object naturally vibrates.

All parts of your body have their own natural resonance. This fact is the foundation of vibrational medicine, which is based on the idea that disease is a result of one’s natural resonances falling out of tune when factors like stress, illness, or the environment disrupt your body rhythmicity.

Sound therapy is based on using the human voice and objects that resonate (e.g., tuning forks, singing bowls) to ignite our healing process. This sort of therapy is one of the many subtle-energy therapies that make up the field of vibrational medicine. Unlike the fast vibrations used in ultrasound technology, sound therapy gently works to bring our body’s own vibrations back in sync with their natural states.

The power of sound is not so new of a concept. For thousands of years, yogis and Hindu spirituality have understood and centered their practices around the idea that sound affects the mind and body. Given the recent interest in mind-body medicine, modern science is now starting to catch up on what ancient tradition has focused on for centuries. Many experts say sound therapy is at the cutting edge of healing & soon, they insist, it will enter the mainstream, along with yoga and meditation.

So, how does SOUND HEALING work?

Sound therapists use music in a variety of ways to promote healing. Below, we have listed some of the common techniques used:

- Classical Music – The sound of classic music has been shown to increase the rate by which synaptic connections develop in young children’s minds. It helps to ignite creativity and elicits feelings of joy for adults. It’s also noted to help alleviate health problems like high blood pressure and muscle tension.

- Humming – Interestingly, Swedish researchers found humming actually clears your sinuses. Sound therapists use humming to clear their patient’s heads and lift their spirits.

- Tuning Forks – The vibrations of tuning forks have been used by orthopedists for many years to detect stress fractures in large bones. Today, tuning forks work to increase the amount of energy in the parts of the body that the therapist is trying to heal or energize. The good vibes that are sent out by a tuning fork support relaxation in the targeted area, balance out the nervous system and increase your overall physical energy.

- Yogic Chanting & “Om”-Ing: The first step to mediation is chanting. In itself, the act of chanting is a means of maintaining health and well-being. It’s been shown to stabilize heart rate, lower blood pressure, improve circulation, produce endorphins and speed metabolism. The act of chanting helps the mind focus and alleviates stress levels. It’s said that just by repeating the syllable “om” – one of the most important mantras in yoga – you will foster a sense of deep mental clarity & feel more connected with a higher power.

At Practice Shraddha, we offer classes that tap into the power of sound healing. The sounds you hear will penetrate and stimulate every cell of the body, essentially guiding you into a state of deep relaxation. Firstly, we offer a musical performance Sound Bath class with House of Sun that uses singing bowls, drums, and gongs to soothe the mind and body. We also have a Gong Sound Meditation with Kim Kay Yamir that uses the vibrations of the gong to help you enter your meditation practice. Finally, at Shraddha, use chanting, humming and join together in the sound of “om” to tap into and achieve a state of deep mental clarity. If you haven’t signed up yet, try out your Practice Shraddha free 7-day trial HERE & gain access to a broad range of sound therapy yoga & meditation classes.


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