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New Year Reflections

Dear Friends,

As the Jewish New Year is approaching, I wanted to take the time to connect and wish all of you a beautiful year ahead. You may have noticed there have been very few blog posts this year and even fewer events. For the sake of transparency, I'll share that this has been the most challenging, difficult year of my life and I've needed to prioritize my well being. I don't share this because I need sympathy, but to share the lessons I have learned over the course of the year as I recognize others in our community may be experiencing challenging times as well. I hope my reflections serve as a source of encouragement in light of hard times. When I say it has been the most challenging year of my life, this is by no means an exaggeration- nearly everything that could go wrong did. Death, crises and loss. But when things fall apart there is a clearing for space and new creation to come. The visual that comes to mind is that of a forest that has burnt down, but the soil becomes fertile and life springs again. In fitting with Rosh Hashanah and the time we take to reflect on the year we've had, I am sitting with the symbolism of cycles. Many of us cherish this holiday, or full/new moons, or our birthdays because they all signify a cycle. But when I think about it, everything is a cycle. From the seasons of nature, to a person's life, the cycle of breath we take (inhale, exhale) to a woman's' cycle of 28 days (cycling to the moon) or a man's cycle of 24 hours (cycling with the sun). Each cycle represents a sort of death and letting go, as well as an invitation of birth and space. Whether you are religious or even Jewish (Rosh Hashanah always begins on the new moon) let's appreciate the invitation to take a moment to reflect and release the things that no longer serve us and look forward with gratitude for the space available for new things to come into our lives. As I enter the new year, there are parts of myself that I am leaving behind and other parts of self that I look forward to nourishing and cultivating. With a new year, comes new intentions and opportunities for expansion and growth. These are the things I wish for each of you. I believe for each of us there are wonderful things on our horizons and I look forward to having the opportunity to share and connect with many of you in the New Year. Chag Sameach!!! With Love and Gratitude, Brielle


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